
Regione Abruzzo
The Abruzzo Region is the lead institutional body of the LIFE+ A_GreeNet project.
It frames the most appropriate measures for the design and construction of green infrastructure within the scope of European and national planning funds with respect to which it has planning and/or management powers and responsibilities for its territory.

Università di Camerino
The University of Camerino (acronym Unicam) is an Italian state university located in the city of Camerino, founded in 1336.

Res Agraria is an Assay Centre, authorized by the Ministry for Agricultural and Forestry Policies and by the Ministry of Health, which offers assistance and consultancy services to public entities.

Legambiente is the most widespread environmental association in Italy. It carries out numerous awareness and information campaigns on environmental issues. It acts at local, national and European level to promote sustainable development, the green economy and adaptation to climate change.

Comune di Ancona
The Municipality of Ancona is involved in carrying out activities to promote and involve the Marche Region in order to start the construction of the green infrastructure in its regional territory, capitalizing on the good practices and experiences gained within the Municipality itself in the areas of the Central Town and the Modern Port.

Comune di Pescara
The city of Pescara has been identified as among the areas most at risk, presenting a significant increase in extreme temperatures in the period 2007-2016 of 4.12°C, with 13 more tropical nights in 2018 compared to the 2007-2016 figure and of 14 more summer days with reference to the same period (ISTAT).
It is included in the European network "Intelligent Cities Challenge" set up to develop digital transformation strategies on topics such as urban planning and management, open data and citizen participation.
Top-down interventions will be carried out in the territory of the Municipality, in the form of demonstration actions in particular in the Pescara pine forest, in the area close to the civil hospital and in the area of Viale Giovanni Bovio.

San Benedetto del Tronto
Top-down interventions will be carried out in the territory of the Municipality, in the form of demonstration actions in particular in its pine forest (where a set of micro-planting interventions and the creation of wild urban ecosystems is envisaged), in the green area near the "School Cappella” and in the green area near the
“Curzi gym”.

Comune di Silvi
The municipality of Silvi is, together with the municipalities of Alba Adriatica and Pineto, one of the territories in which the redevelopment of green areas takes place. In particular, the Pineta di Silvi and the Pineta Cerrano will be involved.