1. Analysis of the status quo, harmonization and sharing of data and experiences on governance, urban planning techniques and plan performance.
In addition, selecting innovative measures and techniques to strengthen the implementation of green infrastructure through urban planning tools, municipal building regulations and public works specifications, and defining the framework of priorities in its implementation.
2. Definition of a Forestry Contract and of management, adaptation and mitigation plans involving public and private bodies in order to start the implementation of targeted and shared actions in terms of growth, vegetation restoration, soil regeneration, valorization, and consistent and suitable usaage.
3. Design and implementation of small and large scale green infrastructure through a top-down and bottom-up approach.
The top down demonstrative actions of soil regeneration, urban microforestation, and restoration of coastal forests are aimed at experimenting the A_GreeNet methodology in the different urban contexts of the mid-Adriatic city. The bottom-up actions are aimed at promoting an alternative “modus operandi” to the exclusively public intervention, with a wide involvement of areas and private implementers.
4. Activation of a “Climate Change and Health Observatory” with the task of monitoring the environment and the health with regard to the effects of rising temperatures and heat waves on the health of the inhabitants and for the identification of the health performance of urban plans, projects and public works.
5. Implementation of awareness-raising, communication and accompanying activities that increase the active involment of citizens, local stakeholders and public administration technicians in the design, implementation and management of green infrastructures for climate adaptation.
6. Construction of transfer paths of the A_GreeNet methodology to favour the implementation of the green coastal infrastructure in other Italian regional contexts – Province of Latina (Municipalities of Gaeta and Formia), Province of Salerno (Eboli, Capaccio-Paestum ), Province of Grosseto (Marina di Grosseto, Marina di Alberese, Talamone – Orbetello), Province of BAT (Barletta, Trani , Bisceglie) and in a European scale (Poreč – Croatia).